Writing From Square One

Confidence (Or Lack Thereof)

Georgia Cabelle & Sofia Marie Season 1 Episode 3

Episode 3 time! And, fresh off the back of two very average weeks, Sofia and Georgia are here to discuss what happens after your confidence leaves you. Why does it happen? Does it happen gradually or suddenly? What are some things you can do to bring it back?
This is the reason we started this podcast: to be candid, and to speak about things that ofttimes go unspoken about. We hope that we can offer some advice, and let our listeners know that yes, confidence does sometimes leave you, and it is ugly - but it's normal, and it's very possible to get back on that horse.

Want to get in contact with us? Please find us on our Intagrams @georgiacabelle_author and @sofiamarie_writer
KSP Writers Centre website: https://www.kspwriterscentre.com