Writing From Square One
Hello! Welcome to Writing From Square One: the podcast for those who want to write, but don't know where to start, with Sofia Marie and Georgia Cabelle. We talk all things that come before you get published - from finding your writing community, to motivation, holding yourself accountable and growing brave enough to share your work with others. Georgia is an historical fiction writer based in Perth, Western Australia, who recently completed her 140,000+ word first draft in 8 months. She is an Australian Writers Centre alumni and regularly attends writing groups, workshops and writing festivals. Sofia is the Coordinator of the KSP Writer's Centre in Perth Hills, where this podcast is recorded. She won NaNoWrimo in 2022, writing 50,000 words of her horror-themed novel in a single month; she is also starting her Masters in Creative Writing in 2023. This podcast is proudly supported by Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre. Find us on our Instagram profiles at @sofiamarie_writer and @georgiacabelle_author.
Writing From Square One
The Audacity of Being a Writer - with Mona Farrokhi!
In Episode 4, Georgia and Sofia welcome special guest Mona Farrokhi, a fellow aspiring author, to discuss writing identity. What does it mean when one embraces writing as part of their identity? What does it do for the confidence? Why does it sometimes take so long? And when and where does one gather the audacity to declare to the world - and themselves - that they are a writer?
All these questions and more are answered in another emotionally vulnerable and deep episode. If you would like to follow Mona's journey, please find her on Instagram @mona_writes_words.
Want to get in contact with us? Please find us on our Intagrams @georgiacabelle_author and @sofiamarie_writer
KSP Writers Centre website: https://www.kspwriterscentre.com